Heritage of Hate

I am a rebel in recovery, a southern gentleman brought up to beguile my animus of authority. I inherited a form of quiet racism and the self-loathing of being ill-content with my station in the world.  Seeing the confederate flag in the halls of Congress this morning shocked me into the realization that unchecked rebellion ends in destruction. 

I was at war with all authority, a war for my freedom.  Then mercy found me when the consequences of my actions caught up with me.  I heard it whisper in my ear, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all,” from Isaiah 53:6

As I ran this morning I prayed for all rebels.  I pray that the Prince of Peace will rule in our hearts as we confess that His way of love is far superior to our stampede into darkness.  Jesus rescued me from being a hostage of my own will and brought me into His Kingdom Authority.  His sovereignty includes redemption and mercy: good news for a southern Christian so full of guilt related to our poor choices.  

As I ran, I felt Jesus turning my heart towards love of neighbor and away from the hatred that fuels rebellion.  He says that He loves me even when I am jealous or hateful. His kindness leads me to repentance. 


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